3 min readDec 31, 2021


A Recap Of 2021


2021 has been a ride. It’s the only way I can describe it. It touched so many aspects of my life: love, family, spirituality, friendship, career,...etc. It’s only fair I try to do a recap of things and try as much as possible to recognize the people who have made 2021 quite impactful.

Love: If you had told me 2021 was the year I’d find love, I’d say yes, while having not the slightest inkling how it would come about. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. I did, however, find love with the most amazing woman. Every single sign pointed to the fact that this was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life. And so I asked her—she said YES. Dear Chisom, I will love you forever.

Family: They often tell you one of the most important things in life is family (word to Dominic Toretto). This year, my family pulled through for me, as always. When I was weak, they were there. Through my lows and highs, they were there to support and cheer me on. My parents are the best. I might have no siblings but I have got cousins who have not missed a beat in making me experience the billing which comes with being a older sibling. They’re cool, though. Since I found love, I somewhat gained new siblings as well and they have been the best. Lost my grandmum this year. It was a loss that gutted me — brought tears to my eyes and I’m not a crier. She lived a full life. Rest in peace, grandma.

Spirituality: I took a decision to step up my commitment to God this year and it’s a decision I’ve not regretted making. God has been faithful. It’s actually amazing to see the progress made through the months. Absolutely grateful to God for the Holy Spirit who has been present to help even when I’ve faltered. I’m also grateful to Pastor Emmanuel Iren and the rest of CCI Global for all effort put in for the progress and joy in the faith of believers. God bless your labour of love.

Friendship: No man is an island. We are built to socialize hence friendship is one of the joys of the human existence. This year, there have been friendships that have really been of great value to me. People who I have been a source of help, support, and accountability. I can’t even list all the names because it’s an endless list but there are some honorable mentions: Chisom (no. 1), Samuel, Dele (that ran away and left us), Demola, Rachael, Ore, Gideon, Elsa, Lade, and many more awesome names too long to mention.

Career: First quarter of the year, my employers put me through the ringer. Sleepless nights, inordinately long work hours, pressure, etc. But God saw me through and I got to grow a bit. Thanks to the best supervisor and unit heads ever as well as, the most amazing set of colleagues I’ve had the privilege of working with.

2021 had its moments. It showed light on some weaknesses but also revealed a bunch of strengths I didn’t know I had. It’s been a wonderful ride and I’m thankful for everything.

2022, here we go.

